BLACK PLAGUE Symptoms of the plague |
How many type's of plague are there? How did you get the plague? What were the symptoms of the Bubonic plague? What were the sypmtoms of the Pneumonic plague? What were the sypmtoms of the sepicemic plague?
answer #1 There are three types of the Black Plague. The Bubonic plage, (The most common) The Pneumatic Plague, and The septicemic Plague
Answer #3 The Bubonic Plague's symptoms were swellings or buboes that appear
on the neck, armpits and/or the groin area. These tumors could range from the size of an egg to the size of an apple. The
tempature of the victum rose from 101 to 105 degrees then was accompanied by the shivers.Very few survived this one type
of plague. It lasteed about four days if you died and about two weeks if you lived. The Pneumatic Plague attacked the respiratory system and was spread by
breathing the exhaled air of a victum.The sputum is at first slimy and tinted with blood; it later becomes free-flowing
and bright red. In most cases death occurs in two or three days. The Septicemic Plague gave the victem a severe fever and they would turn
a deep purple over the course of several hours. With the sight of purple(the purple coloring is due to respiratory failure )
the victem knew that death was close at hand. The victum died in most cases the first day that they fell ill.
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